An overview of our references

Below you will find an overview of our references and a brief description of the initial situation, challenges and the result.


Quality and potential analysis of AI software for biomathematical AI analyses in oncology


Indivumed (Hamburg) is involved in a software provider in Greece and uses its ‘Automated Machine Learning’ tool to validate and optimise its own AI to derive individual cancer therapies. The aim is to investigate whether the Auto-ML software and development processes are suitable as a basis for their application in other industries with extended or new requirements. 


In order to assess the potential of the Auto-ML software, it was scanned remotely with DETANGLE to assess the current status of the architecture and code quality. In addition, the feasibility of the requirements from other industries and the required effort are to be investigated together with the team on site. The risk of dependencies on individual developers has to be analysed and verified on site with interviews.


The DETANGLE data shows that feature development is now efficient and that technical debt is being structurally reduced. They also show that there are strong dependencies on individual developers and that some development process steps need to be improved. The software architecture proves to be sufficiently flexible for further features and new applications in new domains.

“Thank you very much for the report. This is an outstanding consulting service, we are highly satisfied and have a rational basis for the next steps.”


Tool-based software due diligence with focus on technical debt and the risks from knowledge distribution in the target's development team


Siemens plans to acquire a leading international provider of innovative digital services for its Mobility Group. 


Software is the key value driver of the planned acquisition. The future viability of the software is largely determined by its architecture. 
Cape of Good Code measured the technical debt of the software architecture with its DETANGLE analysis suite. Of additional interest was the proof of an appropriate knowledge distribution and an adequate development efficiency. 


The technical debt in the software architecture was localized and evaluated by a DETANGLE scan. The effort required for the necessary architecture optimization was determined from the analysis data and was reasonable. There was also no evidence of red flags in development efficiency, knowledge distribution and possible dependencies in the development organization.

"Cape of Good Code has helped us to broaden the scope of our M&A due diligence in terms of software, has improved our ability to draw fact-based conclusions by us using their tools in combination with other analyses. The DETANGLE® tool provided very valuable results for RED-FLAG reporting during the due diligence phase. In addition, the high level of engagement of the Cape of Good Code team enabled us to seamlessly integrate the Cape of Good Code analysis into Siemens‘ M&A due diligence process."

Egon Wuchner, CEO

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Group to acquire its software development service provider


Atotech acquired the software company Visutech Plating, which develops the automation control software for Atotech plating lines.


Analysis and evaluation of the quality, scalability as well as the technical sustainability of the code and architecture of the software by considering the background that only some of the developers will be part of the transaction.


Exclusion of Red Flags at a very early stage of due diligence. Furthermore, all risks could be made transparent and priced into the acquisition.

"Cape of Good Code has supported us competently in the acquisition of one of our software suppliers. The focus of the cooperation was on the technical due diligence. We were particularly impressed by the DETANGLE Analysis Suite from Cape of Good Code. The convincing and fact-based evaluations of the tool enabled us to identify the potential risks of the software assets to be acquired and thus make informed decisions."


Investor wants to acquire German software company with outsourced development


Pinova Capital is considering an investment in a German software company with outsourced development at an Eastern European development service provider.


The software provider for sale had the software realised by an Eastern European development service provider. In the red flag due diligence, the technical cooperation of both companies and potential dependencies were to be examined in particular.


Rapid risk assessment of the organisation and processes for development and maintenance, so that a detailed analysis of the software and architecture could be carried out. A mismatch with Pinova Capital's cloud strategy was identified at an early stage.

"In the initial red flag due diligence related to a German software manufacturer with nearshore development in Southeast Europe, the Cape of Good Code team quickly delivered informative results regarding the quality of the development processes, the distribution of skills and potential dependencies between the manufacturer and the nearshore service provider. In the subsequent deep dive due diligence, security gaps and risks from open source licences as well as the maintainability and cloud readiness of the software were carefully analysed and comprehensibly prepared as a basis for decision-making. It was very helpful that the expertise of the investigation was also accepted by the target."


Medium-sized company wants to insource outsourced development of control software


The externally developed control software for woodworking plants and systems is to be further developed in-house in the future.


By linking the impact of the refactoring and the effort required for it, the aim was to achieve the greatest possible improvement with the existing development capacities.


The problematic code areas could be correlated with the respective functionalities and a cost-benefit analysis between the effort to fix the technical debt and the business value of enhancements of existing and planned functionalities by the client could be performed.

"Using the DETANGLE® analyses, we were able to specifically locate the relevant Technical Debt and its root causes. The Cape of Good Code consultants also showed us how to draw the right conclusions from the analysis data ourselves and derive suitable refactoring measures."


Mobility Group seeks suitable metrics from code analysis to prioritise Technical Debt reduction


Checking the quality of the software technology before launching a digital platform for passengers.


Using the DETANGLE Analysis Suite, important KPIs for the identification and localisation of Technical Debt, but also the structural deficits in the development process could be determined directly from the development history of the code. The management was thus able to implement important adjustments with existing resources before market launch without jeopardising the schedule.


The problematic code areas could be correlated with the respective functionalities and a cost-benefit analysis between the effort to fix the technical debt and the business value of enhancements of existing and planned functionalities by the client could be performed.

"With DETANGLE, Cape of Good Code provides analysis results quickly and clearly and thus supports in focusing on the most important quality risks based on facts in order to set the necessary development priorities."


Startup wants to reduce its cumulative Technical Debt in a focussed manner and standardise the technical processes


The steep staff build-up, typical of start-ups, led to immature development processes. As a result, Technical Debt and the number of errors encountered by customers rose sharply.


Due to the lack of or inconsistent use of best practices, our DETANGLE analysis tool could not be used without complex preparatory work on the data and the DETANGLE data model itself.


Flexibility of our analysis tool enabled an initial analysis. Based on the findings, process and refactoring measures were decided. In a phase 2 after about 2 months, the effectiveness of the refactoring measures on the sustainable reduction of technical debt was investigated.


Startup wants to optimise the scalability of the software and the technical processes for the next investment round


A very young start-up has developed a video app and, after the successful proof of concept, is looking for further investors to invest in marketing and further features. For this, it is necessary that the software technology at hand is suitable as a basis for the targeted growth.


Validation of the architecture scalability for 1000 times the number of users based on a proof-of-concept of the server side.

There was only a small time window and a tight budget available.


Data-based suggestions for the necessary adaptation of the software architecture so that the app software functions reliably even with very high user numbers and can also be further developed. In addition, optimisation of the engineering process with best practices and state-of-the-art development methods.


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