
IT-Days 2023: Architeture Refactoring - Based on DDD without Microservices (12.12.2023)

In our talk at the IT Days 2023, you will learn about NEW procedures for refactoring the architecture along domains?

Who, When, Where?

Egon Wuchner

Di, 12. December 2023
Frankfurt am Main, Kap Europa, Osloer Str. 5

Meridian 1
Flagge: Deutschland auf Samsung One UI 5.0

What is it about?

Transforming your own software system into microservices? Regardless of this, we software engineers should also better separate existing code along business domains. How do we proceed? Strangler pattern? Not a practical guide. Conceptually splitting the code into business domains and then refactoring? Sounds like big-upfront design.

In the presentation, we show how to utilise the existing data sources from software engineering. How to start from features (in the issue tracker), assign them to domains on a trial basis and evaluate their couplings (overlaps, call dependencies) in the code. Then localise the need for refactoring and evaluate the effort involved. And how automated refactoring proposals play a role in this.

The challenges are the same, we just have to approach them differently.

  • Target audience: architects, project/technical managers, key developers, managers, decision makers
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Level: Intermediate

Problems addressed

  • How do you separate existing code according to business domains?
  • How do you do the whole thing on a trial basis before refactoring/coding?
  • How do you use the features of the issue tracker for this?
  • How do you use the code repository for this?
  • How is the need for refactoring localised?
  • How do you evaluate the effort required?



Here you can access the slides of the German IT-Days 2023 as a free download


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